Cancellation Policy

Thank you for choosing CineGold. We strive to provide you with a seamless shopping experience. Please read our cancellation policy carefully.

Cancellation Before Shipment:

  • Orders can be canceled at no additional cost only before they have been shipped.
  • To cancel your order, please contact us at or Call us at 1800-2123-736

    Cancellation After Shipment:

  • Unfortunately, we cannot process cancellations for orders that have already been shipped.
  • Once an order has been dispatched, it is considered final, and the cancellation option is no longer available.


    If your order is canceled before shipment, any pre-authorized payment will be voided, and you will not be charged.

    Contact Information:

    Customer Support Email:
    Customer Support Phone: 1800-2123-736
    Business Hours: 10 AM - 6 PM

    By placing an order with CineGold, you agree to abide by this cancellation policy. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.